Home Newsletter EBDA in July 2024

EBDA in July 2024

PGS Updates


Starting from July 2024 and continuing until the end of August 2024, more than 383 farms across over 15 governorates are undergoing PGS (Participatory Guarantee System) audits. These audits, conducted by selected peer reviewer groups, commenced at the beginning of the year and aim to ensure that the farms adhere to the EoL and biodynamic PGS standards. More than 172 farms out of the 383 farms have been audited already, 69 are ongoing and 142 are to be audited until the end of August.


EoL updates and Highlights 


EoL, in addition to its activities in Egypt, has initiated an international department named EoL Global. This phase includes pilot projects starting in India, Kenya, Brazil, and potentially Morocco and Tunisia. EoL Global aims to mainstream and disseminate the standard globally, as the challenges faced by smallholder farmers in Egypt are not unique to Egypt but are relevant worldwide. There is a global need to find ways to finance the transition to regenerative agriculture. Through the EoL CC scheme, EoL Global aims to address this need in the aforementioned countries. With the potential to impact up to 500,000 farms in places like India, EoL Global is rapidly advancing its worldwide expansion of the standard.


National Bank of Egypt (NBE) Updates 


The EBDA team is involved in developing and implementing the Meeza cards system for the registered farmers, successfully adding 230 applications and sending them to the NBE to review. 


EBDA Research and catalogs/web updates


The EBDA has added two new topics under the ‘Materials’ section on The Knowledge Page on EBDA website: ‘Animal Health and Welfare in Biodynamic Farming Systems in Egypt’ and ‘Organic Agriculture in Egypt’.  To ensure accessibility and reach a broader audience, we have made these resources available in both English and Arabic, providing comprehensive insights into these important subjects. 

EBDA Engineers’ training in July

Training on Integrated weed management

In the beginning of the month EBDA conducted training for its agricultural engineers  focusing on integrated weed management strategies. 


The first day of the training began with an overview of weed biology and the challenges they pose in cultivation. The lecturer Dr.Saber Hendawy then delved into the specifics of various toxic weeds and outlined effective agricultural practices for their control. By the end of the session, participants gained a deeper understanding of sustainable farming practices that can help reduce reliance on chemical herbicides. This knowledge will not only benefit EBDA’s partner farmers but also contribute to promoting environmentally friendly agriculture in the region.

On the second day, the training shifted to practical applications, where participants explored various weed control strategies. The session included hands-on demonstrations, allowing attendees to practice identifying and managing weeds in real-world field conditions. Additionally, participants engaged in practical exercises with different weed control methods. The day concluded with a field visit to observe the successful implementation of integrated weed management techniques.

EBDA/EoL communications 

Communication team


For this July 2024, EBDA communication team traveled to 4 different governorates

  1. Minya: we traveled for 2 days to shoot learning videos and cover our training for the engineers 
  2. Wahat: shooting of the 12 farms in Wahat, and the farmers talking about the services they took from EBDA & EoL like the solar panels, the irrigation system and the animal fund. Also we took some pictures of the farmers while they took the Miza card and the medical insurance card.
  3. Shrqya: we traveled to shoot the sunrise and the new house for the biodynamic preparations  
  4. Kafr el Sheikh: we traveled to shoot carbon credits events in a rich and engaging ceremony for our farmers.

EBBA Farmers’ Newcomers

EBDA extension engineers successfully registered 130 new farms in July that included 958 farmers with a total area of 2066  acres.

EBDA total registered information from January until July, 2024 as follows:

  • Total farms: 1089
  • Total farmers: 6121
  • Total area in acres: 14,919

Farmers’ Training Plan July 2024