EBDA in October 2022

Biodynamic Preparation Workshop Part two
EBDA organized and hosted the second part of the BD preparation workshop in sekem farm sharqia. The workshop was led by Ms. Angela Hofmann with more than 10 participants. In the preparations house all participants contributed and worked on the process of the preparations in order to learn and practice by themselves. Ms. Angela made a revision of the first part about the preparations and who is Rudolf Stiener and then she explained to them the schedule of the day and what they will see and practice. After making the preparations the participants buried it into the soil and with Ms. Angela and the worker there; they extracted the previous quartz preparations from the soil. They visited the slaughter in the farm to see the animals’ organs to know which parts of the animal are needed for doing the preparations. At the end of the day all participants and workers made a reflection and shared their opinions regarding the workshop with Ms. Angela.
Social Initiative Forum at Sekem Farm in Wahat Bahariya
In cooperation with Sekem, Heliopolis University, Commonland, held its first Social Initiative Forum (SIF) in SEKEM farm in Wahat, under the theme of “Regenerative Future of Wahat Bahariya”. The forum was organized for the local stakeholders as a kick-off event for the long-term development journey towards the dream of the Oasis future in 20 years. The forum included workshops that engaged all participants to brainstorm on the challenges and opportunities of their everyday life. The outcomes mapped out the vision for the future of the oasis that identified the many individuals and organizations involved, which is planned to be presented in the form of a Bahariya Oasis Landscape Assessment that is relevant for discussion held at the upcoming COP27. EBDA was delighted to be part of this forum and was looking forward to new collaborations and memberships with the local farmers there.
Organic Food Industry seminar
Organic Egypt project organized a seminar and hosted it in Heliopolis University, it was the EBDA’s pleasure to be part of this and attended it, also making a stand there to let people know more about the association and its services and introduce the Economy of Love standard. Bernd Köhler, a member of CERES Company, shared with attendees his 30 year of experience in obtaining organic certification, Dr Andreas Kappl, Owner of Dr. Kappl company, shared with us his 20 year of experience in the field of medicinal herbs and nutritional supplement production and EM-Chiemgau lead by Christoph Fischer GmbH, black seed products, and other many natural organic Products.
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Get a more accurate estimation based on your location as well as your level of accommodation with the travel calculator. Calculate then offset with the holistic EoL Carbon Credits. The calculator considers the distance covered, the accommodation energy usage, food waste…etc. according to the GHG protocol and ISO 14064-1. You can check it yourself by visiting the link: https://www.economyoflove.net/cop27-travel-offset/