EBDA in July 2023

EBDA Farmers Training
EBDA team in cooperation and under the supervision of KHNA project. Five training modules have been designed and distributed for the EBDA registered farmers in order to enhance their knowledge about farm transitioning processes, biological fertilizing and pest management, certification issuing procedures and marketing.
The training Map has been planned under the supervision of KHNA project management and conducted by the EBDA’s extension engineers and coordinators in July 2023 as the following:
1. Damietta
Training topics: Agricultural Products Marketing and Contract Farming.
2. Sharqia
Training topics: Agricultural Products Marketing and The conversion processes from conventional to organic/biodynamic agriculture and Contract Farming.
3. Suhag
Training topics: The conversion processes from conventional to organic/biodynamic agriculture, Agricultural Products Marketing and Introduction to the Economy of Love standard and its services.
4. Fayoum
Training topics: Complex training includes most of the training modules.
5. Beni-Suef
Training topics: Organic Agriculture and The conversion processes from conventional to organic/biodynamic agriculture.
6. Assuit
Training topics: The conversion processes from conventional to organic/biodynamic agriculture and Agricultural Products Marketing.
New potential supporter of the 40k farmers transition
EBDA organized the awareness-raising event, which was held in collaboration with the Organic Egypt project in Beni Suef. The major goal was to raise awareness about the benefits of organic/biodynamic agriculture and how to enhance farmers’ living standards by using EoL carbon credit certificates. Aside from that, the EoL grant was utilized for supporting farmers in planting trees and producing a high quality compost. EBDA’s 20 farmers received carbon credit certificates, with validation expected in June 2023. SEKEM Development Foundation provided funds for 16 farms for composting and tree planting. This prepayment boosted farmers’ motivation and allowed them to sell their carbon credits).
Update of EoL PGS
The EoL Participatory Guarantee System (PGS) aims to involve stakeholders like farmers, producers, and consumers in reviewing and checking each other’s production challenges. The system is limited to stakeholders without third-party intervention. The Economy of Love criteria are designed, and a pilot test will be conducted in Minya governorate to ensure its success in all Egyptian governorates. The English and Arabic versions of the “Love Economy Criteria” have already been completed, and the Arabic version has been prepared as a reference for the farmer/ reviewer during the peer review process.
New Potential Supporter of the 40K farmers transition
A visit from an Italian company for energy with EBDA, EoL and CFC team members in the field. The aim of this visit is to establish an understanding of how ENI can support the new upscaling project of EoL, and how the two parties can collaborate in order to support the 40K farmers and how ENI could be the main pilot of this upscaling project. Furthermore, they discuss the details of the methodologies used in calculating the EoL Carbon credits. The two parties reached an understanding for how they will go forward for the next step of this collaboration. After which they had a tour around sekem farm in the compost site, meezan company and seeing the agroforestry project site.
EBDA joined Agro Egypt Expo 2023
The EBDA team attended the AgroEgypt exhibition in collaboration with the ISIS-Organic company, to meet farmers who want to join the EBDA. They met as well the success partners of the Centres of Farmers Service and Organic Agriculture, Mr. Sami Waleem and Abdul Aziz Omar, from the Better Life Foundation, Ahmed Al-Tony and Abdul Rahman Al-Tony from the Centre for Organic Agriculture Service (established in 2003).
Presenting the EoL approach to Virginia-Tech University!
Fatma Roshdy, member of the Economy of Love team, presented the EoL standard and its sustainable approach in a meeting with the University of Virginia-Tech located in the USA, visiting SEKEM in July. Mrs. Fatma introduced the standard and the EoL components, explaining more about the EoL carbon credits and how this standard with its services and carbon credits is supporting smallholder farmers and plays a vital role in enhancing their income and well-being.
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